Musick International - Available PinPoints

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PinPoints allow targeting (pin point) of specific errors, problems or corrections to a Sage 300 company database. PinPoints may address changes to the database that are not data corruption related. Contact Musick International for availability of a PinPoint to resolve a database issue.

PinPoints are available by request. FixIT Maintenance contract required. Contact Musick International, Inc.

See also: How to install/run a FixIT PinPoint

PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
AP Clear All Invoices by Vendor, Invoice or Date Remove all open invoices in AP within a Vendor, Invoice or Date range. This will remove un-paid invoices. No adjusting entries are made to the GL.
AP Clear Open Invoices by Date Remove all open invoices in AP within a Vendor Group and Date.
AP Clear Open Invoices by Vendor Remove all open invoices in AP within a Vendor Code and Invoice Number range.
AP Currency Not Defined AP Post Payment Batch - "Error: Currency not defined in Common Services"
AP DIC Repair Jobs Repairs Data Integrity Check - "Error: vendor currency is not equal to sum of all jobs"
AP Error Creating Payment Batch AP - Applied Payment - Record Already Exists
AP Error Posting Payment Batch AP - Attempt to modify a different record than was retrieved.
AP Repair Create Payment Error Repair "Error: record has been modified by another program" when trying to Create Payments
AP Unpost Invoice Batch Unpost an invoice batch from Accounts Payable
AP Unpost Payment Batch 2 Unpost a payment batch from Accounts Payable - no check for status
  Repair - error: "Check <check number> drawn on Bank BOM01 <bank> not found in Bank Services."
                        "Check <check number> for entry 1 not found in Bank Services. Cannot void the check."
AP Vendor Balance Repair AP vendor balance
AP Vendor Change Reset Old/New Vendor Code after Vendor Number Change failed. PinPoint will prompt for Old Vendor Code and New Vendor Code.
Accounts Payable Data Integrity Errors
  "E: Orphan record IDVEND:[VENDABC] IDINVC:[INV123]."
  "E: Vendor VENDABC is not defined in AP Vendors."
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
AR Add Missing Documents v6.x Add missing records to documents, Sage version 6.0 and greater
AR Clear All Invoices by Customer, Invoice or Date Remove invoices and receipts in AR within a Customer, Invoice or Date range  No adjusting entries are made to the GL
AR Clear Statements Clear all statements in AR.
AR DIC Error Repair AR Data Integrity error - "E: The document should not have any supporting open document details."
  "E: The document should have at least one supporting open document detail."
  "E: The CNTOBLJ field value [1] does not match the actual number of open document details [0]."
  "E: Invoice amount [-9.04] in customer currency is not equal to sum of the invoice amounts for all open document details [-9.33]."
  "E: Amount due [-9.04] in customer currency is not equal to sum of the amount due for all open document details [-9.33]."
  "E: Open Document Scheduled Payment. Amount paid in customer currency [1.00] is not equal to the sum of the payments [5.00]."
  "E: Open Document Scheduled Payment. Amount paid in functional currency [1.00] is not equal to the sum of the payments [5.00]."
  "E: Paid non-zero balance schedule."
  "E: Unpaid zero balance invoice."
  "E: Open Document. Amount due in customer currency [9.80] is not equal to the sum of the amount remaining in the payment schedules [9.81]."
  "E: Open Document. Amount due in functional currency [9.80] is not equal to the sum of the amount remaining in the payment schedules [9.81]."
  "E: Customer balance due in functional currency [0.000] is not equal to the sum of the functional amount due in the open documents [-0.005]."
  "E: Customer balance due in customer currency [0.000] is not equal to the sum of the customer amount due in the open documents [-0.005]."
AR Currency Not Defined Repair AR Post Receipt Batch - Error: "Currency not defined in Common Services"
AR Customer Balance Update Customer Balance
  "E: Customer balance due in customer currency [149.800] is not equal to the sum of the customer amount due in the open documents [249.800]."
  "E: Customer balance due in functional currency [149.800] is not equal to the sum of the functional amount due in the open documents [249.800]."
  "E: The number of prepayments [1] is not consistent with those maintained in open documents [0]."
  "E: Customer open invoice count [1] does not match the actual number of unpaid invoices [0]."
AR Deactivate National Accounts Remove National Accounts. After running this PinPoint, rename National Account License (NA6xx.LIC).
AR Bank Deposit Not Found 1.1 AR Bank Deposit Record not found - AR60A-61A
 Post AR Batch - Error: "Bank Deposit Record Not Found"
AR Bank Deposit Not Found 2.1 AR Bank Deposit Record not found - <= Sage version 2020 (v6.7A)
  Post AR Batch - Error: "Bank Deposit Record Not Found"
AR Bank Deposit Not Found 3.1 AR Bank Deposit Record not found - >=Sage version 2021 (6.8A)
  Post AR Batch - Error: "Bank Deposit Record Not Found"
AR Invoices Wrong Balance

AR invoices missing applied payments.
  "E: Open Document. Amount due in customer currency [149.800] is not equal to the sum of the amount remaining in the payment schedules"
  "E: Open Document. Amount due in functional currency [149.800] is not equal to the sum of the amount remaining in the payment schedules"
  "E: Open Document Scheduled Payment. Amount paid in customer currency [1100.000] is not equal to the sum of the payments [5500.000]."
  "E: Open Document Scheduled Payment. Amount paid in functional currency [1100.000] is not equal to the sum of the payments [5500.000]."
  "E: Paid non-zero balance schedule."
  "E: Unpaid zero balance invoice."
  "E: The date of the latest activity [0] is not consistent with those maintained in payments [20240505]."
  "E: The Year/Period of the latest activity [] is not consistent with those maintained in payments [202411]."
  "E: The last sequence number [0] is not consistent with those maintained in payments [1]."
  "E: Orphan record IDCUST:[1100] IDINVC:[INV 100] CNTPAYM:[1]."

AR Set National Accounts Set National accounts in AR to any value even if unpaid transactions exist
AR Remove Payment Remove duplicate payment. Specific Customer, Invoice and Payment
AR Rename Customer Number 2.1 Reset Old/New Customer Code after Customer Number Change
  AR Open Documents - Error: "Critical Error: [54353] unknown error adding record."
AR Reset Statement Date Modifies statements with a future date and sets them to a prior date.
  Run this if the client accidentally ran AR Statements using a future date.
AR Statistics Error Repair this error when modifying customer statistics - Error:
 "Description: Warning. Statistic amount is entered in either customer currency or functional currency, but not both. May cause statistic problems."
AR Unpost Invoice Batch PinPoint will prompt for the Invoice Batch number to un-post an invoice batch in AR.
AR Unpost Receipt Batch PinPoint will prompt for the Receipt Batch number to un-post a receipt batch in AR.
  When doing a bank reconciliation and an AR transaction that has a "Not Posted" status, the screen will not allow the status to be changed to "Cleared". This PinPoint will un-post the AR Receipt batch. Re-posting the batch will allow the AR transaction to be reconciled in bank.
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
BK Bank Rec Check Cleared Previously Posting Bank Rec - Error:
  "Error Description: Requested check <checkno> was not created previously" when posting a bank reconciliation.
BK Bank Rec Entry Does Not Exist Posting Bank Rec - Errors:
  "Description: Bank Entry doesn't exist."
  "Description: Bank Transaction Entry Reconciliation Posting. Unknown database error (operation=0, error=227)."
BK Bank Rec Entry <null> Already Cleared Posting Bank Rec - Errors:
 "Description: Incorrect procedure. Transaction Entry <null> has already been cleared or reversed."
 "Description: Bank Transaction Entry Reconciliation Posting. Unknown database error (operation=0, error=227)."
BK Bank Rec Out Of Balance Repair bank reconciliation when out of balance by amount.
  Enter Bank Code and amount out of balance
BK Clear Transactions Clear bank transactions that have a zero amount or will not clear on Bank Rec screen.
BK Clear Void Transactions Clear bank transactions that are void status and will not clear on Bank Rec screen.
  Enter Bank Code and Ending Transaction Date to clear
BK E-Statements-Ofx already exists Click on Bank Entry - error: "Description: This transaction already exists in Bank Entries".
  Enter Bank Code
BK Fix Bank Rec Posting Journal Fixes blank columns on the Posting Journal Report
BK Bank Rec Entries Not Displaying Bank entries are not posted, but do not show on entry screen. Remove orphan bank entry transactions.
BK Payment Not Found 1 Post Bank Rec - Error:
  "Description: Payment not found"
  Run this for older Sage versions previous to v2019 (v6.6A)
BK Payment Not Found 2.1 Post Bank Rec - Error:
  "Description: Payment not found"
  Run this for recent Sage versions 2019 (v6.6A) and more current.
  Run this PinPoint first.
BK Payment Not Found 2.2 Post Bank Rec - Error:
  "Description: Payment not found"
  If the error persists, run this PinPoint only after running the above PinPoint 2.1
  This PinPoint is more aggressive in validating the database.
  This PinPoint is considerably slower and the screen may go blank on a large database. Please wait for the PinPoint to complete.
BK Payment Not Found 2.3 Post Bank Rec Reverse Check - Error:
  "Description: Payment not found"
  Sage version >= 2021 v6.8A
BK Purge Transactions Purge bank transactions by Bank Code, fiscal year and period.
BK Repair Bank Rec Repair bank reconciliation when out of balance by transactions.
BK Repair Deposit Error Repair Bank Rec - Error: "Description: Bank Transaction Detail. Record has been modified by another program." when trying to clear a deposit.
BK Roll Back Bank Rec Date Roll back bank reconciliation date when set to a future date by accident
BK Set All Transaction Outstanding Set all transactions to outstanding status for a bank.
BK Set Bank Posting Journal Status Allows printing of Posting Journals (required for conversion)
BK Set Transaction Outstanding Set 'AR' deposit transaction to outstanding status.
  Prompt for Bank Code and Deposit Number
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
CS Remove Application Remove an application from company database
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
FixIT Rebuild Database FixIT Professional low level rebuild of all tables in a company database. Note: This could take a long time to complete.
  Error: " Fetch Microsoft SQL Server Native Client - The operating system returned error Incorrect function to SQL Server during a read at offset in file"
FixIT Rebuild Table FixIT Professional low level rebuild of a specific table.
  The PinPoint will prompt for the table to rebuild.
  This PinPoint is faster than the previous Rebuild Database PinPoint.
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
GL Set Batch Ready To Post GL set all open batches to "Ready To Post" status. This PinPoint is simply a global update.
GL Create Previous Year GL Create a previous year for entering historical transactions.
  This PinPoint is helpful when a database is created for the current year and then the client tells you they need to enter transactions for last year.
  Every time this PinPoint is run, it will create another older year in the GL.
GL Repair Data Integrity Error Repair the General Ledger Data Integrity - Error:
  "E: Functional fiscal set <account>, 2024, A, USD, F for period 1 does not equal functional source plus equivalent currency amounts."
  FixIT Professional Validate function will also repair this error.
GL Purge Open Batches Completely remove open journal entry batches. PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending batch number.
GL Purge Posted Batches Completely remove posted journal entry batches.  PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending batch number.
  Allows clearing of old GL batches that are posted status.
GL Roll Back Current Year The current fiscal year is removed and the previous fiscal year is set as the current year.
  This PinPoint is helpful when the client accidentally ran GL Periodic Processing - Create New Year twice.
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
IC Change FIFO to AVG Costing IC - change all items using FIFO Costing Method to use Moving Average costing.
  Day End must be run before this PinPoint.
IC Clear FIFO/LIFO Clear FIFO/LIFO records with quantity and cost equal to zero.
IC Delete BOM Component Remove a specific item from all BOM Components. PinPoint will prompt for the formatted item number.
IC Delete Inactive Items Delete range of items that are inactive.
  Day End must be run before this PinPoint.
  Items are removed from IC, Notes, OE history and PO history.
IC Repair Item Master Repair item master after Item Number Change failed or after importing items.
  When selecting item maintenance finder, the item will display twice in the list, but the duplicates only displays 1 item after selection.
  Purchase Order Data Integrity - error:
      E: Purchase Order Audit Line      Invalid characters put to field 'Item Number'.
  Day End - Error:
      Description: Purchase Order Audit Line Invalid characters put to field 'Item Number'.
IC Remove Location Details IC - Remove Location Details with zero quantities and costs.
IC Day End Error Day End Costing Unit Of Measure - Error:
  "Receipt Audit Line Invalid characters put to field 'Costing unit of measure'."
IC Reset Average Cost Recalculate Moving Average costing for specific items/locations.
  This PinPoint requires the client to send us a list of item/locations that need the average cost updated.
IC Turn Off Fractional Quantities Turn off IC Options-"Allow Fractional Quantities" and round fractional quantities to whole numbers
IC Round Lot Costs Lot asset costs will be rounded for a range of items. 
  PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending item number.
IC Turn Off Stock Item Flag Turn off stock item flag even with quantity and costs.
  Run Day End before running this PinPoint.
  PinPoint will prompt for a specific item number.
  Item Costing Method must be "User Specified"
  Quantity on Sales Order and Quantity on Purchase Order must be zero.
IC Update FIFO Qty Cost Update FIFO costing quantity and cost from location details
IC Update Movement Report Update the Inventory Movement report to match location details valuation report
  PinPoint will prompt for range of item numbers and locations.
IC Update Not Costed Values Set location details "not costed fields" to zero. Run Day End before running this PinPoint.
IC Update Quantity Committed Update Quantity Committed from Order Entry
IC Update Quantity/Cost Validate and update location details quantity and cost
IC Update Quantity/Cost Offsets Validate and update location details Quantity Offset and Cost Offset
IC Update OE Sales Quantity Update Quantity on Order from Order Entry
IC Zero Only Costs Zero out only costs for a range of items.
  This PinPoint will only zero out the cost for items in the range.
  The PinPoint will prompt for a beginning and ending item number.
  The cost for those items in the range will be set to zero.
  No validation for quantity on hand. No adjustments are made to the G/L.
IC Zero Costs < Amount Zero out costs for a range of items for cost less than an amount and quantity is equal to zero
  This PinPoint will prompt for item number range and an amount.
  The cost will be set to zero for items in the item range, the quantity on hand is zero and the cost if less than or equal to the amount entered.
  This PinPoint will also update IC Lots and IC Serial Numbers.
IC Zero Qty Costs IC zero out quantities and costs for a range of items and locations.
  This PinPoint will prompt for item range and location range.
  The Quantity on Hand and Total Cost will be set to zero for items in the item range and location range entered.
  This PinPoint will also update IC Lots and IC Serial Numbers.
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
LT Deactivate Lot Numbers Deactivate and purge lot numbers from the current database
LT Change Mask Expand the Lot Mast size across the entire database
  All lot numbers will be expanded to the new size.
  This PinPoint must be customized to the clients specifications.
LT Update Lot Quantity Update "Quantity on Hand" from lots with quantity variance.
LT Upper Case Lot Numbers Upper case lot numbers for the current database
      Resolves Day End error: Description: Lot Number History. Record already exists.
LT Update Lot Quantity Ordered Calculates lot "Quantity Ordered" from OE orders
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
OE Complete Orders By Date Complete all orders within a date range. PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending order date.
OE Complete Shipments By Date Complete all shipments within a date range. PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending ship date.
OE Day End 1.0

Repair Day End - Errors:
  "Description: Ship number does not exist and Cost-To-Clear already exists."
  "Description: Shipment Cost-To-Clear Detail. Record already exists."
  "Description: Invalid input. Shipment number 176543 does not exist."

OE Day End Errors Repairs Order Entry Day End - Errors: "Cannot read OESHCD, OESHIH or OESHID or CostToClear Exists"
  May need to run this PinPoint multiple times if Day End fails again.
OE Repair Day End Error Repair Day End - Errors:
  "Order Detail - Attempt to change read-only field Detail Completed "
  "Order Detail. Attempt to change read-only field 'Detail Completed' "
  "Cannot put field values from OEORDD "
OE Delete Quotes Remove all OE quotes within a Quote range. PinPoint will prompt for beginning and ending Quote Number.
OE Delete Orders Remove all orders within an Order Number range, and delete all related details.
OE Delete Orders by Date Remove all orders within a date range, and delete all related details.
OE Delete Active Orders

Remove all active orders within an Order Number range, and delete all related shipments and invoices
  Orders of type "Future", "Standing" or "Quote" are ignored by this PinPoint.

OE Invalid List Choice Repair - Errors:
  "Invalid List Choice Order Completed "
  "Invalid list choice put to field 'Order Completed'."
  "Header mismatch. Number of Lines on Order (ORDLINES) is incorrect."
OE Prepayment DIC Error Order Entry Data Integrity - Error:
  "Order Prepayment: Invalid entry. Batch Number refers to a batch that has a status of Posted."
OE Repair Order Lines Repair OE Data Integrity - Error:
  "Order Number <order#> has the following errors: Number of Lines on Order <number>. Actual <number>."
OE Repair Shipment

Repair shipment - Error:
  "Description: Posting Failed. You must enter the shipment again. "

OE Update History Stats Validate and update Order Entry History Report/Statistics Report
OE Update Exp Ship Date Update order details expected ship date and request date from the order header.
OE Verify Order UOM Verify Units of measure on OE Order
  PinPoint will prompt for order number range
  Repair errors:
    Description: Unit <UNIT> is not defined for item <Item Number>.
    Description: Unit <PRICE> is not defined for item <Item Number>.
    Description: Cost unit of measure <COST> does not exist.
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
OF Expand Character Field Optional Field - Expand size of character field
  PinPoint will prompt for the Optional Field Name, current field length and new field length
  All optional fields in the database will be updated with the new length
  The current optional field values are not changed. Spaces are appended to the end of the value.
OF Optional Field Invalid Characters Repairs these errors:
 "Posting Jnls Detail Opt. Field Invalid characters put to field 'Value'."
 "Posting Jnls Detail Opt. Field Invalid characters put to field 'Text Value'."
 "Internal error. posts-paof-04"
 "Day End Processing could not process all transactions."
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
PJC Close Completed Contracts Applies to Sage Project Job Costing (PJC). Set contracts with Completed status to Closed status.
PJC Repair Create Costs Error Repair Day End - Errors:
  "CreateCostPMTRAN - cannot be blank - not saved"
  "Transaction Number cannot be blank."
  "Transaction record [<contract>] not saved"
  "TRANSREF should not be 0 for record, it should be set to the TRANSNUM of the original transaction."
PJC Update Recognized Profit Update Contract Recognized Total Cost, Total Revenue and Total Profit. Note: only run on Contracts that need correction.
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Recognized Profit/Loss Amount (12345.120) in Phases does not match Total Recognized Profit/Loss Amount (-54321.120) in the Projects Table."
Updates Contracts, Projects and Categories Update Data Integrity errors in Contracts, Projects and Categories.
  "E: [<contract>]:Calculated Actual Functional Total Revenue (0.000) in Categories does not match Total Actual Functional Total Revenue (1234.560) in the Projects Table."
  "E: [<contract>]:Original Overhead Estimate (33.120) (PMPROJT.ORJOHEADHM)does not match calculated amount of 331.230"
  "E: [<contract>]:Current Overhead Estimate (33.140) (PMPROJT.CUROHEADHM) does not match calculated amount of 331.290"
  "E: [<contract>]:Actual Overhead (33.160) (PMPROJT.ACTOHEADHM) does not match calculated amount of 331.350"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Extended Cost Estimate (392.500) in Categories does not match Total Original Extended Cost Estimate (364.870) in the Projects Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Extended Cost Estimate (392.500) in Categories does not match Total Current Extended Cost Estimate (364.870) in the Projects Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Extended Cost (465.660) in Categories does not match Total Actual Extended Cost (428.580) in the Projects Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Labor Cost Estimate (2556.000) in Projects does not match Total Original Labor Cost Estimate (3458.600) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Material Cost Estimate (27071.400) in Projects does not match Total Original Material Cost Estimate (28424.990) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Equipment Cost Estimate (144.000) in Projects does not match Total Original Equipment Cost Estimate (151.200) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Subcontractor Cost Estimate (5454.000) in Projects does not match Total Original Subcontractor Cost Estimate (5726.700) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Overhead Cost Estimate (200.000) in Projects does not match Total Original Overhead Cost Estimate (210.000) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Miscellaneous Cost Estimate (4292.000) in Projects does not match Total Original Miscellaneous Cost Estimate (4506.600) in the Contracts Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Quantity Estimate (1.00000) in Categories does not match Total Original Quantity Estimate (31.00000) in the Phases Table. (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Quantity Estimate (1.00000) in Categories does not match Total Current Quantity Estimate (31.06000) in the Phases Table. (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Quantity (143.00000) in Categories does not match Total Actual Quantity (31.14000) in the Phases Table. (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Overhead Estimate (0.000) in Categories (PMCATGT) does not match Total Original Overhead Estimate (33.120) in the Phases Table."  (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Overhead Estimate (0.000) in Categories (PMCATGT) does not match Total Current Overhead Estimate (33.140) in the Phases Table. (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Overhead (0.000) in Categories (PMCATGT) does not match Total Actual Overhead (33.160) in the Phases Table. (PMPROJS) "
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Functional Subcontractor Billing Estimate (8.210) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Original Functional Subcontractor Billing Estimate (0.000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Functional Overhead Billing Estimate (9.230) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Current Functional Overhead Billing Estimate (0.000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Functional Miscellaneous Billing Amount (10.250) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Actual Functional Miscellaneous Billing Amount (0.000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
   "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Source Subcontractor Billing Amount (8.240) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Actual Source Subcontractor Billing Amount (0.000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Subcontractor Quantity Estimate (8.28000) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Original Subcontractor Quantity Estimate (0.00000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Overhead Quantity Estimate (9.29000) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Current Overhead Quantity Estimate (0.00000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Miscellaneous Quantity (5.13000) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Actual Miscellaneous Quantity (0.00000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Functional Miscellaneous Billing Amount (10.250) in Phases (PMPROJS) does not match Total Actual Functional Miscellaneous Billing Amount (0.000) in the Projects Table. (PMCONTS)"
  "E: [<contract>] Invalid value. Field TOTQTY (4.00) does not equal field HWEEK (13.00)."
PJC Update Costs Updates costs in Contracts, Projects and Categories
PJC Update Estimates Updates estimates in Contracts, Projects and Categories
PJC Update PO Cost

Updates PO cost in categories
  Prompt for beginning and ending Contract Number
  "E: PMCATGT Committed Extended Cost (3087.580) for <contract> does not match P/O Extended Cost (1536.990)"

PJC Update Quantities PJC Update only quantities
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Original Quantity Estimate (111.00000) in Categories does not match Total Original Quantity Estimate (0.00000) in the Phases Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Current Quantity Estimate (222.00000) in Categories does not match Total Current Quantity Estimate (0.00000) in the Phases Table."
  "E: [<contract>] Calculated Actual Quantity (333.00000) in Categories does not match Total Actual Quantity (0.00000) in the Phases Table."
PJC Update Transaction Number Corrects Day End - Error: "Transaction Number cannot be blank "
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
PO Clear History - Record Not Found Reset Clear History - Error: "Record Not Found"
PO Complete PO Items by Date

Complete all items on Purchase Order within a date range
  Set PO status to "Complete" where items are not complete in a date range.
  PinPoint will prompt for Beginning and Ending PO Date

PO Complete PO Items by Date-Item Complete all items on Purchase Order within a date & item range
  Set PO status to "Complete" where items are not complete in a date range.
  PinPoint will prompt for Beginning and Ending PO Date and Item Number.
PO Complete Receipt Items by Date Complete all items on Receipts within a date range
  Set receipts as complete even if not invoiced.
  PinPoint will prompt for Beginning and Ending PO Date
PO Day End DocTotal Mismatch Repairs PO Day End - Error:
  "Doc Total Mismatch"
  "Description: missing posting table entry"
  May need to run this PinPoint multiple times for each Day End error.
PO Day End Generic Line Repairs PO Day End - Error:
  "Generic Line Data. Attempt to modify a different record than was retrieved. "
PO Day End Error Invalid PO Type Reset Day End after - Error:
  "Invalid Po Type "
PO Day End Missing Posting Table Entry Error Repairs PO Day End - Error:
  "Missing Posting Table Entry."
  May need to run this PinPoint multiple times for each Day End error.
PO Day End Missing Posting Table Entry Error/DocTotal Mismatch Repairs PO Day End - Error:
  "Missing Posting Table Entry & Doc Total Mismatch."
  May need to run this PinPoint multiple times for each Day End error.
PO Day End Error qtysub PO Repair Day End - Error:
  "Description: Internal error. qtysub failed "
PO Delete A PO PO Delete a PO using PORHSEQ 
  Run this PinPoint only if the PO has not been received. This will not remove any receipts or invoices.
  PinPoint will prompt for the PORHSEQ to delete
  This specific PO is removed.
PO Delete A Receipt PO Delete a receipt using RCPHSEQ
  PinPoint will prompt for the RCPHSEQ to delete.
  This specific receipt is removed.
PO Delete Receipts PO Delete receipts using PORHSEQ
  This will remove all receipts, invoices, credit notes and returns for a PO.
  PinPoint will prompt for the PORHSEQ to clear receipts.
  The PO is not deleted.
PO Invoice Receipts by Date Flag all receipts within a date range as invoiced.
  PinPoint will prompt for Beginning and Ending PO Date
PO Net-of-Tax

Repair PO receipt - Error:
  "Net of Tax of <amount> does not match line sum of <amount>"
  "Description: Included tax of <amount> does not match total of <amount> across authorities."
  "Description: Net-of-tax amount of <amount> does not equal <amount>, the sum of the discounted extended cost less included tax."
  "Description: Total tax amount of <amount> does not equal <amount>, the sum of all included and excluded taxes for all authorities in the tax group."

PO Receipt Error PO Receipt - Error:
  "Receipt Line Lot. Record has been modified by another program. "
PO Remove Non-Job POs Remove "Complete", non-job related POs.
  Day End must be run before this PinPoint. Note: Step 117 will take a while to run
  PinPoint will prompt for the Beginning and Ending PO Date
PO Line Item Exists Update PO Detail Item - Error:
  "GL Expense must be blank or GL Expense must be specified"
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
RMA Repair Document Return Material Authorization - Error:
  "Repair Document Total Price/Extended Cost "
  "Document total price does not equal sum of detail extended prices. "
  "Document extended cost does not equal sum of detail extended costs."
PinPoint Name PinPoint Description
SI Deactivate Serialized Inventory Deactivate/Purge Serialized Inventory from the current database
  Rename Serial Number license SN62A0.LIC to SN62A0.LI_
SI Remove Serial Numbers Remove Serial Numbers for a range of items
  PinPoint will prompt for a range of item numbers

See also: How to install/run a FixIT PinPoint

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FixIT Professional is compatible with most version of Sage 300. To verify compatibility, go to the Products  page.

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Last modified: September 2024