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Musick International, Inc.

Software Maintenance and Support

Musick International is dedicated to providing timely and expert assistance. We pride ourselves for:

            “Simply the best software and support available !”

Our Software Maintenance Contract is designed to keep you up-to-date with product upgrades, fixes, and new features for an annual fee. Never pay for an upgrade again.

Plus receive free access to Musick’s world-class support staff. Our technical professionals have the reputation for going the extra mile to serve customers when they call. With a thorough understanding of our products as well as Sage 300 product and a focus on the customer, our support staff will respond promptly to your needs and help you be successful with your operations.

Why Purchase a Maintenance Contract?

ü      Streamline your day-to-day operations with direct and immediate problem resolution.

ü      Maintain efficiency and performance with additional resources, it’s like having another employee in your office.

ü      Keep your system running reliably on the latest software without paying for upgrades.

ü      Make better use of your software investment.

ü      A two minute phone conversation with our staff could save hours of fruitless trial and error.

Included in the Maintenance Contract:

            Notification when upgrades are available.

            Upgrades available for immediate download

            Free minor updates

            Free major version releases

            Direct access to technical support
                        (phone and/or email)
                        (8-5 Colorado - Mountain Time)

            Timely problem resolution

 If you have questions, we are here to help.

 To purchase or renew your Maintenance Contract, contact Sales@Musick-Int.com

Musick International has over 40 years of R&D in data analysis and repair. We have incorporated this into our products to serve the Sage community. Our FixIT Professional product gives you access to this wealth of information.

Musick International, Inc.

502 Antero Circle   s P.O. Box 1370   s    Buena Vista, CO  81211

Sales (800)760-6836  s   www.Musick-Int.com   s   Support@Musick-Int.com

Copyright ©1982-2024, Musick International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

FixIT (TM) is a registered trademark of Musick International, Inc.

All other products referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies.